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🚨 WhatsApp scam alert / Rhybydd scam WhatsApp. 🚨

Action Fraud have  received more than 630 reports from victims of fraudsters targeting WhatsApp group chats.


The criminal tricks the victim into sharing a one-time passcode with them which allows the criminal to register the victim’s WhatsApp account to a new device so they can take over their account.


Find out more details of how they do it here ➡️ Action Fraud issue warning as WhatsApp group chats are targeted by fraudsters | Action Fraud




Mae Action Fraud wedi derbyn mwy na 630 o adroddiadau gan ddioddefwyr twyllwyr sy’n targedu sgyrsiau grŵp WhatsApp.


Mae'r troseddwr yn twyllo'r dioddefwr i rannu cod un-tro gyda nhw sy'n caniatáu i'r troseddwr gofrestru cyfrif WhatsApp y dioddefwr i ddyfais newydd er mwyn cymryd drosodd ei gyfrif.


Darganfyddwch fwy am sut y mae nhw'n gwneud hyn yma ➡️ Action Fraud issue warning as WhatsApp group chats are targeted by fraudsters | Action Fraud



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Message Sent By
Dewi Owen
(North Wales Police, Cyber Crime Officer, North Wales)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials