The Police
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Watch out for FAKE McAfee emails, they've once again been reported over 4,500 times.


The emails attempts to trick the recipient into clicking on a fraudulent link by stating that the recipient's computer "could be at risk" from "viruses and other malware" if they don't renew their anti-virus subscription.


✅Report suspicious emails by forwarding them to: report@phishing.gov.uk


ℹ️ Your reports enable the National Cyber Security Centre to remove emails and websites used to perpetrate fraud.



Gwyliwch allan am e-byst FFUG McAfee, maen nhw wedi cael eu riportio dros 4,500 o weithiau unwaith eto.


Mae'r e-byst yn ceisio twyllo'r derbynnydd i glicio ar ddolen dwyllodrus drwy honni y gallai cyfrifiadur y derbynnydd "fod mewn perygl" o "firysau a meddalwedd maleisus arall" os na fyddent yn adnewyddu ei tanysgrifiad gwrth-firws.


✅ Riportiwch e-byst amheus drwy eu hanfon ymlaen at: report@phishing.gov.uk


ℹ️ Mae eich adroddiadau yn galluogi’r Ganolfan Seiberddiogelwch Genedlaethol i ddileu e-byst a gwefannau a ddefnyddir i gyflawni twyll.



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Message Sent By
Dewi Owen
(North Wales Police, Cyber Crime Officer, North Wales)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials