The Police
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Mental Health Awareness Event

Good Afternoon Resident


👮 On Friday 17th May, NWP and West Mercia Police came together for a joint wellbeing event at Dobbie's Garden Centre as part of Mental Health Awareness Week.

Agencies such as Samaritans, MIND, Advance Brighter Futures, Dragon Chat, KIM and In2change all came together with information stands. Members of the public were able to come and have an informal chat and see what the agencies do, and how they provide support.

If you missed the event and need to speak to someone please see details below, Keep and eye out on our social media for future events.

☎️ SAMARITANS - 116 123
☎️ C.A.L.L. 0800 132 737
📧 https://orlo.uk/Ek8mw
📧 https://orlo.uk/Z5fZP
📧 Info@abfwxm.co.uk
📧 DragonChat247@gmail.com
📧 In2change@wrexham.gov.uk


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Message Sent By
Enya Bellis-Jones
(North Wales Police, Police Community Support Officer (Neighbourhood Policing Team), Wrexham Rural)

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