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Investment fraud / Twyll buddsoddi.

Between 2020 and 2023, nearly 100,000 people reported losses totalling £2.6 billion to investment fraud. Don’t become a statistic!


Unsolicited calls, emails, texts and social media ads for investments are highly likely to be fraudulent. To avoid falling victim, take a look at the advice here - How to avoid investment fraud: advice on investing safely. - Get Safe Online


#NWPCyberSafe #investments

Rhwng 2020 a 2023, rhoddodd bron i 100,000 o bobl wybod eu bod wedi colli cyfanswm o £2.6 biliwn i dwyll buddsoddi. Peidiwch â bod yn un ohonynt!


Mae galwadau, negeseuon e-bost, negeseuon testun a hysbysebion cyfryngau cymdeithasol digymell ar gyfer buddsoddi yn debygol iawn o fod yn dwyll. Er mwyn osgoi dioddef hyn, cymerwch olwg ar y cyngor yma - Sut i osgoi twyll buddsoddi. Cyngor ar fuddsoddi'n ddiogel    - Wales (getsafeonline.org)


#SeiberDdiogelHGC #buddsoddiadau 

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Message Sent By
Dewi Owen
(North Wales Police, Cyber Crime Officer, North Wales)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials